Years ago we had to cut down a large oak tree in our backyard.  I saw the gaping hole that this tree left behind and I envisioned a prayer garden.  My husband, who always works to make my dreams come true, dug, cleared, and cleaned out that space for my garden.  My girls got me a lovely swing and a garden flag with the names of all of my grandchildren.  Over the years we’ve added to it to make it more beautiful.  I’m drawn to this garden.  It’s not far from home but when I am there, I am away, and alone with God.  I bring my coffee, my Bible, journal, and devotional books.  Sometimes I’ve come joyfully, sometimes with a heavy heart, but always listening for His voice.  Many times I’ve said, “Lord, I’m hurting but I’m here.  What will you say to me?”  God has always been faithful to speak to me.  He has renewed my heart as He opened my eyes to see the truth in His word. In those difficult days, verse by verse He would breathe life back into my soul and give me glimpses of His heart.  I’ve collected some of these thoughts in this devotional book.  It is my prayer that the things that God has spoken to me in my garden will touch your heart as well.

“One Telling One” is an easy-to-use study to help you answer some of the basic questions of the Christian faith.

What is the basic gospel message?

Who is God?

Who is Jesus Christ?

What was accomplished on the cross?

Why do we believe that the Bible is the Word of God?

How can one know if he/she has eternal life?

This book can help you share the scripture in a one-to-one or small group setting and will assist any believer to “…always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have….” (1 Peter 3:15)